WFLF's SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES is featured in the StayClassy editorial weekly

Wild for Life Foundation is pleased to announce "Saving America's Horses"' CLASSY Awards Achievement story is featured in this weeks StayClassy editorial weekly newsletter which reaches nearly 60,000 people worldwide.  "This is great news", say's Katia Louise.  "Building momentum and expanding our reach to a new and wider demographic is exactly what America's horses need."

Wild for Life Foundation's Award Winning Film About Horses Awakens Moral Fabric Of Humanity and was recently named a Top 5 Regional Finalist for Animal Advocacy in the Annual CLASSY Awards. “From a pool of 2,400 nominations, WFLF’s SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES’ stood out as one of the best of the best!” - The StayClassy Team.

What many people don't realize is that the slaughter of America's horses is driven by a foreign market for horsemeat. WFLF is breaking this cycle of animal cruelty through the educational film project, "Saving America's Horses", a resource that cultivates action and inspires social change.

The CLASSY Awards is the largest philanthropic awards ceremony in the country, celebrating the greatest charitable achievements by nonprofit organizations, and recognizing the most impactful and compelling achievements worldwide. "Hollywood has Oscar, Broadway has Tony, and now Philanthropy has the CLASSYs" - AOL, 2010. It recognizes nonprofits that are operating as efficiently as lean corporations, and celebrates progressive leaders who could become the next generation of wealthy CEOs, but instead have dedicated their lives to improving the lives of others.

SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES A NATION BETRAYED illuminates the connection between the eradication of our wild and domestic equines, its impact on the environment and the future of humanity. The film captivates its audience by exploring the majesty of the horse, the freedom they represent, the value of that freedom and what it means to life. 

SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES is an educational film project under Wild for Life Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit grassroots charity dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving wild and domestic equines.

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