Navajo Horses Rescue and Recovery Mission (NHRRM) rescue team members are working to save 8
Navajo wild horses right now. These 8 at risk/
slaughter bound Navajo wild horses were captured “as strays” during the recent roundups, just outside the
reservation. Despite their obvious healthy appearance,
they were claimed to be “starving due to a lack of forage on the
reservation”. Funds are urgently needed to transport these horses to
safety. Please share to help.
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The Navajo Horse Rescue and Recovery Mission (NHRRM) is an ongoing effort to rescue and re-home wild horses, burros and orphan foals that are at risk of slaughter or that have been victimized by the Navajo roundups. The Wild for Life Foundation assures their forever safe harbor so that they will never be subject to roundup or slaughter again.
More than 2,000 horses and burros have been recently swept away from their Native homes as a result of US government funded roundups that the vast majority of Navajo people oppose. Navajo President Shelly promised to suspend the roundups and oppose slaughter through a MOU which reportedly will become effective once signed. But in the meantime, Navajo's wild horses remain at risk and many are going to slaughter.
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Learn more:
The Navajo Horse Rescue and Recovery Mission (NHRRM) is an ongoing effort to rescue and re-home wild horses, burros and orphan foals that are at risk of slaughter or that have been victimized by the Navajo roundups. The Wild for Life Foundation assures their forever safe harbor so that they will never be subject to roundup or slaughter again.
More than 2,000 horses and burros have been recently swept away from their Native homes as a result of US government funded roundups that the vast majority of Navajo people oppose. Navajo President Shelly promised to suspend the roundups and oppose slaughter through a MOU which reportedly will become effective once signed. But in the meantime, Navajo's wild horses remain at risk and many are going to slaughter.
Save a life - Support this effort:
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