New horse slaughter legislation in the U.S.

Take action to help end U.S. horse slaughter.
May 10, 2015- 
The Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act was just reintroduced in the House by Rep. Frank Guinta (R-NH) and in the Senate by Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ]. If passed by both the House and the Senate this bill would prohibit the slaughter of horses in the United States for human consumption, as well as the export of live horses for the same purpose.

Take action to help end the possibility of U.S. horse slaughter by sending an automated letter of support to Rep. Frank C Guinta. [R-NH-1]. With your support both people and horses would be protected by this new legislation.

Watch and share this PSA’s from WFLF-SAH, ""Health Alert: Toxic substances and the Human food chain"".

In the absence of federal protection, over 100,000 American wild and domestic horses and burros are shipped across federal borders to slaughter plants in Mexico and Canada each year. What most people don't realize is that 92% of the horses sent to slaughter are sound, young and healthy. These are among America’s finest and brightest horses; champion show horses, Thoroughbred racehorses, summer camp ponies and even wild horses taken from their native lands, but the resounding evidence of cruelty to equines inside the U.S. once they are designated as food animals is chilling. And, America’s horses are treated with many substances known to be toxic to humans; substances that can be lethal when ingested by humans, and many of which have been banned from the human food chain in most countries.  All this, and yet horse slaughter proponents are continuing to push for the reopening of horse slaughter plants in the U.S.
Now more than ever, we need to build support and momentum to save the horses and end this cruelty.
Stand and be heard - Stand united for the horses.

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