Mustangs run free after narrowly escaping slaughter

This is a group of Mustang arrivals to Wild For Life Foundation's sanctuary program - WFLF MMRM circa 2014. These Mustangs, including three pregnant mares that had lost their safe and peaceful home in NM when their former owner lost its gratis lease, and had no other means to save them. If not saved through the WFLF, approximately 150 horses, whose lives were in imminent danger, would have shipped to slaughter.

This was their first time to run free after being rescued out of a feedlot and narrowly escaping slaughter. Three healthy baby foals (two fillies and a colt) were born within a couple weeks of their arrival to California at one of WFLF's wild horse sanctuary facilities. They have since grown into healthy happy youngsters.

Dozens of the horses were transported out of NM and placed in sanctuary homes in several other states. The last few remaining herd members were accepted into WFLF's family of rescued wild horses.

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