Dear friends, colleagues, devoted humanitarians, horse and burro advocates, and loyal animal defenders,
The Wild For Life Foundation and Saving America’s Horses has become aware of malicious activities including the use of the internet to spread vicious and harmful rumors which are undermining our cause, the prevention of animal cruelty and the protection of wildlife and they are specifically targeting our lifesaving mission to save, protect and preserve wild and domestic horses and burros from slaughter, roundups, abuse, neglect and other forms of cruelty.

The Wild For Life Foundation and Saving America’s Horses remains fervently dedicated to our cause to prevent animal cruelty and protect wildlife. Our grassroots, all volunteer charity is working around the clock to provide quality care for at risk wild and domestic equines and to save and protect them from slaughter, roundups, abuse, neglect and other forms of cruelty through rescue, sanctuary, education and advocacy. We stand vigilant against those who threaten the safety and welfare of the animals we serve. We are also taking an active stance in effort to fight against malicious activities that threaten our organization, its mission and the animals we serve, especially wrongful actions promoted by individuals or members of hate groups, and those whom deceptively disguise themselves as benefactors, good Samaritans, animal lovers and or even false victims.
Please share this message far and wide to show your support and to help us uphold our mission and to fight against these harmful activities that in truth undermine the very lives of the animals we all work so hard to save and protect.
Anonymous reports are welcome.
Thank you.
The Team at Wild For Life Foundation and Saving America’s Horses